Quality of Bread Fortified with Some Cereals Mixture

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Nutrition and Food Science Depart, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University، Shibin El Kom, Egypt

2 Nutrition and Food Science Depart, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University


This study aims to find out the rehological and physico-chemical properties of wheat, quinoa and barley flours. Baladi bread prepared with different concentrations (10% and 20%) of quinoa and barley flour. Determination of chemical composition of cereals and fortified bread, and study the effect of storage conditions like freezing on the sensory properties of the produced bread carried out. The results showed that wheat flour contained the highest value of protein and carbohydrates, which were 14.20% and 74.49%, respectively. But, quinoa flour contained the highest values of fat and ash, which were 8.69% and 3.69%, respectively. While dietary fiber reached 3.17% in barley flour. There was no difference between the types of flour in rehological properties. No significant difference was observed in fortified bread for protein content. The fortified bread with 10% and 20% quinoa flour recorded a high level of fat and calories which were 3.24%, 400.52 (Kcal/100g), 3.40% and 400.40 (Kcal/100g), respectively. While the fortified bread with 10% and 20% barley flour contained the highest level in both fiber and ash recording 6.93%, 1.35%, 8.07% and 1.57%. The nutritional value of bread decreased as a result of freezing. It is noticeable that with increasing reinforcement, the bread yield and the total baking loss increased. As conclusion, bread prepared with 10% and 20 % quinoa and barely flour recorded the high nutritional value and quality properties


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